Effect of alum on tongue wound healing in rats


avatar Mina Motallebnejad , avatar AliAkbar MoghadamNia , avatar Fariba Asgharpour , *

how to cite: Motallebnejad M, MoghadamNia A, Asgharpour F. Effect of alum on tongue wound healing in rats. koomesh. 2018;20(4):e153020. 


Introduction: Alum solution is used to treat skin ulcers, oral, gums, and to prevent dental caries. The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of alum on wound healing on the dorsal surface of rat tongue. Materials and Methods: Twenty-four male Wistar rats were randomly divided into four groups (n = 6 in each group). With biopsy punched, wound to 4mm diameter and 1 mm depth created on rat’s tongue. Correspondingly, from the next day, the rats of the second, third and fourth groups received daily 0.1 ml of alum at concentrations of 7%, 10% and 14% on the wound;#39s surface and control group received water. In the third, sixth and tenth days, the area of the wound surface was calculated using a gauge (1 / 10 mm). Results: In all groups, improvement in the wound surface area in different days was observed, and the wound healing process was significant in each group (P


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