Stauts and determiants of health services utilization among elderly rural hubitants in the Iraninan population


avatar Heshmat Beygom Ghadamgahi , avatar Kian Norouzi Tabrizi ORCID , * , avatar Farahnaz Mohammadi , avatar Jafar jandaqhi

how to cite: Ghadamgahi H B, Norouzi Tabrizi K, Mohammadi F, jandaqhi J. Stauts and determiants of health services utilization among elderly rural hubitants in the Iraninan population. koomesh. 2018;20(4):e153026. 


Introduction: Improving living conditions and increasing longevity and life expectancy has led to the phenomenon of aging in societies. This incremental rate causes a serious challenge for organizations that provide health and therapy services. In association to the mentioned challenge, the purpose of this study was to study Stauts  and determiants of health services utilization among elderly  elderly rural hubitant in Semnan City (Iran) in 2016. Materials and Methods: This was a cross-sectional study in which 395 elderly people in Semnan City were studied and the collected information was performed by using a structured questionnaire. Results: Between the whole cases, 54% (224 people) used outpatient services. In outpatient services, 14.4% consult with specialists and 13.7% used services from educational hospital. 26% of the other cases used in patient services. That service from 56% among them used educational public hospitals. The related factors of the utilization rate of outpatient health service were: age (p=0.02), gender (p=0.02), marital status (p=0.01), income status (p=0.01), education (p=0.01). The related factors of the utilization rate of inpatient health service were: age (p=0.02), gender (p=0.03), marital status (p=0.05), income status (p=0.02). Conclusion: Obtaining benefit from health services has a meaningful relationship with various socio-economic factors such as sex and age, and income and education status, each of which can affect the level of health benefits of individuals. It also seems that multiplier is a multi-factor issue, and therefore proper planning for this growth demand is necessary.


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