Prediction the severity of addiction based on the role of the demographic factors, history of childhood abuse, temperament dimension and emotional schemas


avatar Mohammad Bagher SaberiZafarghandi , avatar Hamid Khanipour , *

How To Cite? SaberiZafarghandi M B, Khanipour H. Prediction the severity of addiction based on the role of the demographic factors, history of childhood abuse, temperament dimension and emotional schemas. koomesh. 2019;21(1):e153045. 


Introduction: The severity of addiction is one of the important indicators in the typology, etiology and treatment of drug users. The purpose of this study was to investigate the role of demographic factors (age of onset of consumption, family history), history of anxiety and psychological factors (mood and emotional schemas) in predicting the severity of addiction. Materials and Methods: Using a correlation scheme, 325 people with substance use disorder were selected in an accessible manner.We used demographic checklist, trauma history questionnaire, temperament and character inventory and emotional schemas questionnaire for gathering data. Results: Addiction severity of individuals with a history of childhood abuse was higher than individuals without these kinds of experiences. Multiple regressions showed that simplistic view about emotion, novelty seeking and acceptance of emotions explained 30% variances of addiction severity.The association between novelty seeking and acceptance of emotions with addiction severity was negative, but the association between simplistic views about emotions and addiction severity was positive. Conclusion: History of childhood abuse increase severity of addiction. Novelty seeking as a distal factor has effective on the addiction severity. Simplistic view over emotions and problems in accepting emotions were proximal psychopathological mechanisms which contribute in relapse of addiction and could be targeted in treatment of individuals with substance use disorders.


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