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A. Frequency of nasal carriers of coagulase positive Staphylococci in medical personnel of teaching hospitals in Semnan. koomesh. 2000;1(3):e153105.
Background. Patients are confined to bed in hospital are be exposed to nosocomial infections. Staphylococcal amo ng medica l personnel may be tra nsfered bacteria to pati ent s and causes infection. T he aim of th is investigation IS to be de termine the freq ue ncy of staphylococca l carriers in med ical person nel of teac hing hospital in Semnan . Materials and Methods. Samplings from medi cal personnel a nd control group were draw n by ce nsus and simple random meth ods, respectively. This investigat ion lasted from Ma reh 98 to Octove r 99. In medical personn el 426 and in co ntrol group 360 person s (stude nt of medical fac ulty and nonmedica l personnel) were tested. By means of a swa b, which was wett ed in st eril e norm al sa lin, sampling from left and right nasal caviti es perfor med and culture d on Blood agar media. After 24hrs of incub at ion and by mean s of Gram's sta ining , catalas e test, culture on M.S.A and coagulas e test, coagul ase positive Staphylococci Aure us identified and antibiogram test by Kirby-Bau ers met hod was carr ied out. Results. In medica l personne l group 120 (28.16%) and in co ntrol group 90 (25%) carr ier of coagulase posit ive sta phylococci ide ntifi ed so there wasn't any significant differ ence be tween two groups. Species which isolated from medical personnel were sensitive to Van comycin (88.3%), Co-trimoxasole (83.3%) Gentamycin (83 .3%), Erythromyci n (70%), Tetracyclin (43.3%) a nd were resistant to Penicillin an d Cepha lotin. The control group was more sensitive than medical personnel group. Discussion. Although there is no significant difference between ca rriers of Sta phylococcus Aureus in two groups, Staphylococcus carr ier amoung the medical perso nnel group in Semnan were less th an ones other simil ar inve stigations. The species were isolat ed from medical personnel in th is investigat ion were remarkably se nsit ive to Co-trimoxasole but in the most similar investiga tio ns the species were resista nt. T he sensitivity to Van comycin was lower th an ot her investigations
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