Relationship between postural abnormalities with quality of life and self efficacy of blinds and partially sighted people


avatar Jalil Moradi , avatar ebadi ebadi , * , avatar Shahnaz Shahrjerdi , avatar Masoud Golpayegani

How To Cite Moradi J, ebadi E, Shahrjerdi S, Golpayegani M. Relationship between postural abnormalities with quality of life and self efficacy of blinds and partially sighted people. koomesh. 2020;22(1):e153152. 


Introduction: The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between postural abnormalities with the quality of life and self-efficacy of the blind and partially sighted people. Materials and Methods: 100 blind and partially sighted people (mean age 34 years old including 48 males and 52 females) under the supervision of the Association of the Blind and Partially Sighted of Arak city (Iran) were selected by available sampling method. The New York test, SF-36 questionnaire, and self-efficacy questionnaire of Scherer were used for assessement of postural abnormalities, the quality of life and self-efficacy, respectively. The   questionnaires were completed by interview. Results: Results showed the quality of life was favorable, but the self-efficacy was moderate in experimental sujjects. There was a reverse and significant correlation between postural abnormalities with life quality and self-efficacy in blind and partially sighted (p


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