Effects of 12 weeks of combined aerobic-resistance exercise training on levels of chemerin, omentin and insulin resistance in men with type 2 diabetes


avatar Mehdi Zarei , avatar Seyed Mehdi Beheshti Beheshti Nasr , avatar Hesamedin Askari Majdabadi ORCID , *

How To Cite Zarei M, Beheshti Nasr S M B, Askari Majdabadi H. Effects of 12 weeks of combined aerobic-resistance exercise training on levels of chemerin, omentin and insulin resistance in men with type 2 diabetes. koomesh. 2020;22(1):e153162. 


Introduction: Regular exercise training has been shown to be a useful option to treat and prevent type 2 diabetes. Correspondingly, the purpose of this study was to investigate effects of 12 weeks of combined aerobic-resistance exercise training on levels of chemerin, omentin and insulin resistance in men with type 2 diabetes. Materials and Methods: In this clinical trial research, 20 male patients with type 2 diabetes were randomly divided into two groups combined aerobic-resistance training (n=10) and control (n=10). Subjects in training group performed 12 weeks aerobic-resistance training, 3 weekly training sessions with given intensity (aerobic: intensity of 60-70% maximum heart rate resistance: intensity 60-70% repetition maximum). Blood sampling was taken measurements of for chemerin, omentin resistance, fasting glucose and insulin resistance in the beginning and after 12 training protocol weeks were conducted. Results: After 12 weeks, in the combined training group chemerin (p=0.01), resistance insulin (p=0.01) and fasting glucose (p=0.001) decreased significantly and Vo2max increased significantly (p=0.001) than the control group. Significant change was not observed at the levels of omentin (p=0.37). Conclusion: 12 weeks of aerobic-resistance training in men with type 2 diabetes decreased the levels of chemerin, insulin resistance and also fasting glucose, but did not affect the level of omentin.  


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