
A comparative study of the attitude of patients participating in narcotics anonymous program and undergoing methadone maintenance therapy towards substance abuse

Nemat Sotodeh AslNemat Sotodeh AslNemat Sotodeh Asl ORCID, Saeed MahigirSaeed Mahigir, Fatemeh PaknazarFatemeh Paknazar, Majid MirmohammadkhaniMajid MirmohammadkhaniMajid Mirmohammadkhani ORCID,*

Koomesh:Vol. 22, issue 3; 550-555
Published online:Sep 01, 2020
Article type:Research Article
Received:Dec 02, 2018
Accepted:Dec 01, 2019
How to Cite:Nemat Sotodeh AslSaeed MahigirFatemeh PaknazarMajid MirmohammadkhaniA comparative study of the attitude of patients participating in narcotics anonymous program and undergoing methadone maintenance therapy towards substance abuse.22(3):e153213.



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