Comparison of the immediate and delayed effects of two dry needle methods fast in fast out and winding in gastrocnemius muscle trigger points on lower extremity function and pain in non-professional athletes: A randomized controlled clinical trial


avatar Mohsem Miri , avatar Roghayeh Mohammadi ORCID , * , avatar Rasool Bagheri ORCID , avatar Majid Mirmohammadkhani ORCID

How To Cite? Miri M, Mohammadi R, Bagheri R, Mirmohammadkhani M. Comparison of the immediate and delayed effects of two dry needle methods fast in fast out and winding in gastrocnemius muscle trigger points on lower extremity function and pain in non-professional athletes: A randomized controlled clinical trial. koomesh. 2020;22(4):e153222. 


Introduction: The objective of this study was to compare two methods of dry needle treatment in active trigger points of Gastrocnemius muscle on pain and height jump in non-professional athletes. Materials and Methods: Forty male athletes were selected with active trigger points in each Gastrocnemius muscle. Relatively, subjects were assigned randomly in two conventional dry needle piston method groups and rotational method groups. Vertical jump and pain were evaluated before, after, the first, second and third days of intervention by visual analog scale and the motion analysis system. Results: There was a significant difference in pain intensity and jump height in both groups (P


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