Improving the quality of life after 8 weeks aerobic exercise with external load in patients with type 2 diabetes


avatar Solmaz Rahbar , avatar Sedigheh Sadat Naimi , * , avatar Hojat Radinmehr

How To Cite Rahbar S, Naimi S S, Radinmehr H. Improving the quality of life after 8 weeks aerobic exercise with external load in patients with type 2 diabetes. koomesh. 2020;22(4):e153231. 


Introduction: Diabetes is one of the chronic diseases that can endanger people;#39s health. Lack of quality of life can be observed if diabetes is not controlled and the complications of the disease occur. Therefore, the aim of the present study was to improve the quality of life of patients with type 2 diabetes by combined exercise. Materials and Methods: In this clinical trial study, after examining 692 volunteer patients suffering from type 2 diabetes, 30 patients were randomly divided into two different groups of combined exercise and control. In the combined exercise group, participants walked on a treadmill 3 times a week for eight weeks treatment duration. The intensity of walking were considered 50-70% of maximum heart beat rate for 30 minutes, and participants were forced to wear a vest containing weights. The control group did not receive any intervention and ended their 8-week lifestyle. Results: Individuals in the two groups had not any significant differences in age, height, weight, body mass index, and medical history. The quality of life, the disease control, and exercise behavior variables in the combined exercise group increased significantly (P0.05). There was a significant difference in the above variables between the combined exercise and control groupd (P


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