Assessment of type 2 diabetes patients’ self-care status learned based on the national diabetes control and prevention program in health centers of a selected city, Iran


avatar Roghayeh Ershad Sarabi , avatar Zahra Mokhtari , avatar Ahmad Naghibzadeh Tahami , avatar Vahid Reza Borhaninejad , avatar Ali Valinejadi ORCID , *

how to cite: Ershad Sarabi R, Mokhtari Z, Naghibzadeh Tahami A, Borhaninejad V R, Valinejadi A. Assessment of type 2 diabetes patients’ self-care status learned based on the national diabetes control and prevention program in health centers of a selected city, Iran. koomesh. 2021;23(4):e153275. 


Introduction: The Ministry of Health and Medical Education, in line with the National Diabetes Control and Prevention Program, has mandated health centers to implement educational programs among diabetic patients. Therefore, this study aimed to investigate the effect of these educational programs on promoting self-care in diabetic patients. Materials and Methods: This was a cross-sectional study carried out in Zarand city during the years 2018-2019. A standard questionnaire was used to assess the status of self-care behaviors in diabetic patients. Results: The mean age of the subjects was 58.99 (10.25). Among the self-care behaviors in the studied patients, the highest mean was for foot care and the lowest was for blood glucose monitoring. The mean score of self-care was 41.79 with a standard deviation of 14.54. Based on the mean scores of marital self-care in the study subjects (P


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