Women experience about the challenges of gynecological cancer: A qualitative study


avatar Alinejad Mofrad , avatar Ahmad Nasiri ORCID , * , avatar Gholamhossein Mahmoudirad ORCID , avatar Fatemeh HomaeiShandiz

How To Cite Mofrad A, Nasiri A, Mahmoudirad G, HomaeiShandiz F. Women experience about the challenges of gynecological cancer: A qualitative study. koomesh. 2021;23(6):e153309. 


Introduction: Gynecological cancer is an unfortunate event for women. Due to cultural and social constraints, there is not enough information about the problems of these women. So, the aim of this study is explaining the experience of the challenges in women with gynecological cancer. Materials and Methods: This qualitative content analysis approach study, with a content analysis approach and with using purposive sampling, was done on 16 women with gynecological cancer who referred to three medical centers in Mashhad city. Data were analyzed by conventional content analysis method. Guba and Lincoln criteria were used to confirm the accuracy of the data. Results: The age range for participants in this study was 35-62 years of age. By analyzing the data, three categories were obtained :1) Concerns about losing their position in marital life (forcing to stop sexual intercourse, increasing the burden of life on the spouse and reducing the patient;#39s presence in marital life) 2) Effect of the disease on sexual relations (deterioration of intimacy, unpleasant experiences during sexual intercourse and the occurrence of gradual sexual frigidity) and 3) Concerns about the possibility of divorce and separation (being out of favor with husband and marital conflicts). Conclusion: Women with gynecological cancer face many challenges. It is necessary to inform nurses and physicians about this issue, in order to increasing their understanding of these women;#39s problems. Also, conducting educational classes and counseling sessions along with medical treatment for patients, can play an important role in promoting the health of these women in various dimensions.


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