The association between household food insecurity and childhood obesity among Iranian school-aged children in Farokhshahr


avatar Reyhaneh Basirat , avatar Amin SalehiAbarGhoei , avatar Ahmad Esmaillzadeh , *

How To Cite? Basirat R, SalehiAbarGhoei A, Esmaillzadeh A. The association between household food insecurity and childhood obesity among Iranian school-aged children in Farokhshahr. koomesh. 2012;13(2):e153833. 


  Introduction: Although individuals with food insecurity might be expected to have reduced food intake, and thus reduced body fat and less likelihood of being overweight, these associations have not been adequately studied. This study aimed to examine the relationship between household food insecurity and childhood obesity among school-age children in an Iranian population (Farokhshahr city).   Materials and Methods: In this cross-sectional study, 314 school children aged 6-12 years were selected by the use of a multi-stage cluster random sampling method. Food insecurity was assessed by the use of a validated Radimer-Cornell questionnaire. Participants were categorized separately by sex as “food secure”, “having household food insecurity”, “Adult food insecurity”, and “child hunger”. Underweight, overweight and obesity were defined based on four available cut-points (IOTF, CDC, WHO and National). The associations were looked for in different models adjusting for confounders.   Results: Anthropometric measures and food insecurity data were assessed in 310 participants of the study. No significant associations were found between food insecurity and obesity, either before or after control for confounding variables. This was the case for all definitions of overweight and obesity . Conclusion: Food insecurity was not associated with weight status in this sample of students. Additional research with more samples is needed to explore this relationship