Effects of long term perinatal administration of Bupropion on population spike amplitude in neonatal rat hippocampal slices


avatar Soomaayeh HeysiatTalab , avatar Samad Zare , avatar Firouz Ghaderi , *

How To Cite HeysiatTalab S, Zare S, Ghaderi F. Effects of long term perinatal administration of Bupropion on population spike amplitude in neonatal rat hippocampal slices. koomesh. 2010;11(4):e153849. 


Introduction: The perinatal effects of antidepressants on CNS due to its common usage are important issues in neuroscience research. Bupropion is an atypical antidepressant that is used in smoke cessation under FDA approve widely. The study of synaptic effects of bupropion can reveal its mechanism for nicotine dependence cessation. In this study the long term effects of perinatal bupropion on population spike (PS) amplitudes were investigated. The PS amplitude is a good parameter for synaptic plasticity. Materials and Methods: Hippocampal slices from 18-25 day old rat’s pups were prepared. The exam groups included control and Bupropion treated groups. Bupropion (40 mg/Kg, i.p) was applied in perinatal period daily as pretreatment. Bupropion also was perfused in ACSF (10, 50, 200 μ mol, 30 minutes) and tested for PS amplitude. PS amplitude of Stratum Radiatum was measured before and after Bupropion perfusion. Amplitude of PS before Bupropion perfusion was fitted as 100% for baseline. Results: A concentration of 10 μM did not reduce PS amplitude and Bupropion had no significant effects on PS amplitude. Bupropion in concentration of 50μM could reduce the amplitude of responses in 50% of cases. The 200 μM of Bupropion perfusion reduced population spike amplitude all slices (n=22). In the last state population spike amplitude in 8 out 0f 22 slices completely abolished. Decrease population spike amplitude in non-treated slices with 200 μM perfusion was more than treated slices. Conclusion: Analyzing of data showed that chronic perinatal exposure to Bupropion in concentrations 50,200 µM reduced PS amplitude and we found adaptation synaptic in perfusion 200 µM compare with Bupropion treated slices with non- treated.