Investigation of attention changes along with treatment of sensory taping in the balance of athletes with ankle sprains


avatar Mehrdad Javan , avatar Rasool Bagheri ORCID , * , avatar Rozita Hedayati ORCID

How To Cite Javan M, Bagheri R, Hedayati R. Investigation of attention changes along with treatment of sensory taping in the balance of athletes with ankle sprains. koomesh. 2023;25(6):e154164. 


Introduction: The ankle joint is one of the most vulnerable joints in the body. It has been shown that changes in attention and sensory taping can affect the balance. Therefore, the present study aimed to investigate attention changes along with sensory taping on the balance of athletes with ankle sprains. Materials and Methods: Twenty-two subjects (11 males, 11 females) with chronic ankle sprains were included and 22 healthy individuals were matched with the control group. To measure balance, the subjects stood on one leg on the force plate (injured leg) for eight stages with 3-minute rest intervals between them. The stages included: Standing with eyes open and closed along with easy and difficult cognitive tasks with and without taping. ANOVA four-way was used in the form of 2 × 2 × 2 × 2. Results: The results showed that the mean displacement of the center of pressure in the X axis and the standard deviation of the displacement of the center of pressure in the X and Y axes in two conditions of easy and difficult cognitive tasks before and after the tape had a significant difference (P<0.05). There is a significant difference between the two groups in the mean displacement of the center of pressure in the X axis, in the eyes open position on one leg with easy and difficult cognitive tasks (P<0.05). There is a significant difference between the two groups in the mean displacement of the center of pressure in the Y axis, in the eyes closed and open position on one leg with a hard cognitive task (P<0.05). However, in others, this difference was not significant (P>0.05) Conclusion: In general, the results showed an improvement in the balance of people with chronic ankle sprains after taping and cognitive tasks; however, in some test modes, no significant improvement was observed.


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