

1. Linguistic factors and stuttering in Nepali speaking adults who stutter

- Dibya Aryal

- Santosh Maruthy

2. Effect of phonological and morphological factors on speech disfluencies of Kannada speaking preschool children who stutter

- Divya Seth

- Santosh Maruthy

3. Nonword reading by adults who stutter in a transparent orthography

- Horabail Venkatagiri

- Nuggehalli P. Nataraja

- Theja Kuriakose

4. Stuttering in relation to the morphophonemics of Kannada

- Horabail S. Venkatagiri

- Nuggehalli P. Nataraja

- M. Deepthi

5. Effect of Bi-Mora Frequency in Initial and Final Word Positions on Stuttering Frequency in School-Aged Children Who Stutter

- Saburo Takahashi