Dear Editor,
The appearance and spread of COVID-19 have become a concerning medical issue worldwide. Patients undergoing hemodialysis therapy have been significantly impacted during the pandemic, as have healthcare professionals providing care to this vulnerable group who are not immune to the virus according to their treatment method. Medical settings where patients receive hemodialysis treatment are known to be high-risk environments, with the most vulnerable patients having a greater risk of infection and mortality (1).
Most of these patients are elderly with multiple comorbidities, making them part of a high-risk group for contracting COVID-19 despite several preventive measures and guidelines. In addition, they share common spaces and stay in restricted locations for extended periods, including transportation, which poses significant logistical challenges (2).
Alternative methods, such as home hemodialysis, have been developed to treat severely ill COVID-19 patients who face shortages of supplies, manpower, and available equipment for their treatment at home. Home hemodialysis allows for an adaptable timetable, more frequent treatments, the avoidance of long interdialytic intervals, greater travel ability, and self-administration, all of which improve patients' self-efficacy, independence, and capacity to take appropriate infection control measures to reduce COVID-19 exposure and spread (3).
Patients can avoid exposure and infection risks by receiving hemodialysis treatment at home, keeping them safe while maintaining treatment efficacy and staying closely connected with their healthcare professionals. Home hemodialysis provides a wide range of medical and quality of life benefits, including safety and protection (4), and innovative technological solutions like telemedicine help address patient concerns, recognize issues, facilitate remote tracking of patients, promote social distance, and ensure continuous care (5).
In conclusion, home hemodialysis is an effective treatment strategy that enhances patients' endurance and quality of life. It enables them to avoid exposure and transmission of infectious diseases like COVID-19 by remaining at home and complying with effective measures.