Nephro-Urology Monthly
1. The additive impact of the distal ureteral diameter ratio in predicting early breakthrough urinary tract infections in children with vesicoureteral reflux
- Victoria L. Troesch
- Moshe Wald
- Megan A. Bonnett
- Douglas W. Storm
- Gina M. Lockwood
- Christopher S. Cooper
2. Utility of the distal ureteral diameter on VCUG for grading VUR
- C.S. Cooper
- S.E. Alexander
- K. Kieran
- D.W. Storm
3. Estimation of the relationship between the polymorphisms of selected genes: ACE, AGTR1, TGFβ1 and GNB3 with the occurrence of primary vesicoureteral reflux
- Marcin Życzkowski
- Joanna Żywiec
- Krzysztof Nowakowski
- Andrzej Paradysz
- Władyslaw Grzeszczak
- Janusz Gumprecht
4. Bladder Volume at Onset of Vesicoureteral Reflux is an Independent Risk Factor for Breakthrough Febrile Urinary Tract Infection
- Siobhan E. Alexander
- Angela M. Arlen
- Douglas W. Storm
- Kathleen Kieran
- Christopher S. Cooper
5. Predictive Risk Factors in Childhood Urinary Tract Infection, Vesicoureteral Reflux, and Renal Scarring Management
- Stylianos Roupakias
- Xenophon Sinopidis
- Ageliki Karatza
- Anastasia Varvarigou
6. The impact of the distal ureteral diameter ratio, bladder volume at onset of vesicoureteral reflux, and/or grade in predictive models of clinical outcomes in children with vesicoureteral reflux
- Christopher S. Cooper
- Joanna A. Orzel
- Megan A. Bonnett
- M. Bridget Zimmerman
- Johnny R. Malicoat
- Arman C. Hlas
- Douglas W. Storm
- Gina M. Lockwood