Could Frequent and Lengthy Masturbation Sessions Dispose to Hemorrhoids?


avatar Mohammad Zarenezhad 1 , * , avatar Amin Hoseinzadeh 1 , avatar Seyed Hosseini 2 , avatar Saeed Gholamzadeh 1

Legal Medicine Research Center, Legal Medicine Organization, Tehran, IR Iran
Department of Pediatric Surgery, Shiraz and Hormozgan University of Medical Sciences, Shiraz, IR Iran

how to cite: Zarenezhad M, Hoseinzadeh A, Hosseini S, Gholamzadeh S. Could Frequent and Lengthy Masturbation Sessions Dispose to Hemorrhoids?. Thrita J Neu. 2013;2(1): 106-108.



Normal anal vein-containing-cushions are located in the wall of the rectum and anus and may become enlarged symptomatically and displaced to the distal of the anal canal and form the hemorrhoids. Multiple predisposing factors have been proposed for hemorrhoid development. Masturbation refers to the sexual self stimulation of one’s genitals, usually to the point of orgasm.


We hypothesized that frequent and lengthy masturbation is a predisposing factor for development of hemorrhoid.

Rarionable and Discussion:

During masturbation, impaired venous return and consequently congestion of blood in the anal cushions and engorgement of the hemorrhoid plexus occurs. We found, through a literature review, that other conditions which enhance the development of hemorrhoids act by a similar mechanism in which venous return is impaired.


We suggest designing a research project to answer the question whether the prevalence of hemorrhoids is higher among people who have excessive and lengthy masturbation than the normal population.

1. Background

Normal anal cushions contain a sub-mucosal venous plexus called hemorrhoidal plexus. Hemorrhoidal plexus drains into superior, middle and inferior rectal veins. The superior rectal vein drains into the portal system via the inferior mesenteric vein. The middle and inferior rectal veins drain subsequently into the systemic venous system via the internal iliac vein (1). Anal cushions are located in the wall of rectum and anus and may become enlarged symptomatically and dislocated to the distal of the anal canal, which are then called hemorrhoids (2, 3). Hemorrhoids are one of the most frequent reasons that patients refer to a colon and rectal surgeon (4). Hemorrhoids are reported be present in 4-5 percent of adult population (5).

Multiple predisposing factors have been proposed for hemorrhoid development including pregnancy, chronic constipation, prolonged toilet sitting and straining (2, 6). Masturbation refers to the induction of sexually pleasurable sensations in ones’ own body or another person by means of physical or psychic stimuli (7). Guilt, shame, and indulgence are stigmata related to masturbation in all the world’s major religions (8, 9). In Islam, masturbation is forbidden strictly and is held as a great moral sin.

2. Hypothesis

In this paper, we describe the hypothesis that frequent and lengthy masturbation is a predisposing factor for development of hemorrhoids.

3. Rationale and Discussion

During masturbation, blood supply to the perineum increases. On the other hand, muscles of the buttocks and perineum contracts strongly. These two factors lead to impaired venous return and consequently congestion of blood in the anal cushions and engorgement of the hemorrhoid plexus, a phenomenon which is called pelvic congestion (7, 10). The repetition of this process over the time leads to easier formation of hemorrhoids, theoretically. Also, in people who have lengthy masturbation sessions and do not allow themselves ejaculate easily during masturbation, the process of impaired venous return and congestion of blood will be intensified.

To our knowledge, there is not any previous evidence on the relationship between lengthy and frequent intercourses with the formation of hemorrhoids. This could be explained by: in people who have lengthy masturbation sessions and do not allow themselves ejaculate easily during masturbation, the process of impaired venous return and congestion of blood will be intensified.

Frequent masturbation is considered to be a predisposing factor for chronic prostatitis via the mechanism of excessive blood congestion (10). Long-term recurrent prostate congestion leads to increased venous return, local blood stasis and decreased immune resistance and therefore the chance of infection will increase accordingly (11).

Impeding venous return is a proven mechanism for development of hemorrhoids. For example, pregnancy, chronic constipation, prolonged toilet sitting and straining can predispose to impaired venous return, congestion of the anal cushions and finally engorgement of the hemorrhoid plexus via increased intra-abdominal pressure (2, 4, 6). These facts support our theory.

We must also point out that long-term frequent masturbation habit of patients does not necessarily lead to the occurrence of hemorrhoids. One reason is the controversial definition of frequent masturbation and also the varying degree of resistance to disease. Frequent masturbation is determined by level of sexual tension, available opportunity, absence of distractions, habit, or strength of sexual stimuli (12).

We would like to emphasize on the mechanical force which is produced by impeding venous return as a mechanism through which masturbation promotes hemorrhoids. In this regard, the body position is a very important contributory factor. In the standing position, the height of the body’s center of gravity is 55 to 57% of the standing height. The center of gravity of the human body will move from the position described above if the position of different body parts is changed (13). Compared with normal sexual intercourse, masturbation often occurs in sitting or semi-sitting positions. In such positions, the location of body’s center of gravity is around the perineum (1). So, the maximum amount of the mechanical force of impeding venous return is applied in this area.

On the other hand, hemorrhoids are chronic conditions and their related predisposing factors would exert their effect on developing hemorrhoids over the course of several years. So, it is not necessary that hemorrhoids and their predisposing factors occur at the same time in the epidemiologic studies. In other words, even if we consider frequent normal sexual intercourse among sexually active population as a cause of developing hemorrhoids through the same mechanism as masturbation, the anticipation of higher prevalence of hemorrhoids among ‘all sexually active’ individuals is not necessarily true. As a supporting evidence, hemorrhoids are mostly observed among adults and mid-aged men and women (45- 65 years) and the development of hemorrhoids before the age of 20 years is unusual (2). However, some known risk factors including pregnancy are mostly observed in younger ages.

Theoretically, according to the above-mentioned mechanism, the risk of development of hemorrhoids following frequent normal sexual intercourse is less likely than that of masturbation.

4. Conclusion

In conclusion, masturbation is a frequently observed behavior among young and especially sexually active groups. However, hemorrhoids are mostly observed among adults and mid-aged men and women. We suggest designing an epidemiological research project to answer this question: is the prevalence of hemorrhoids higher among the people who have excessive and lengthy masturbation sessions than the normal population? One way to do this research project is to pull patients’ data from gastroenterology services/clinics, select the patients suffering from hemorrhoids and retrospectively take the history of masturbatory behaviors and also evaluate the role of age, gender, population and exercise in development of hemorrhoids.



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2024-08-11 17:53:17
Helpful article
John Doe 2
2024-04-08 13:22:09
Masturbation for Men and general discharge involves Prostate gland which in turn resides in pelvic floor, near anus in fact. When men discharge anal cavity contract because muscles contract as prostate gland needs to be contracted for release. So people who have fair share of issues with that area, by having fissures or piles or abscess or some other things are more sensitive about that contraction. Also those who do Kegel Excercises are also similarly sensitive. In fact key to have better sex for men is to train those muscles. So all in all. More masturbation may not impact the issue one has but contraction of those muscles will. For example I had fissures and tried masturbation when wound was open, may be a day or two after bleeding. I met with great pain. But after a few days there was no issue. In fact, even when I do Kegel Excercise I can feel some pain. One time, those Excercises even increased inflammation and led to a bleeding next day. But that's the issue. If you have fissures, you have bad diet and also weak muscles there. And if you do such excercises wound may open. But as you keep going on, eventually you will reach a point where your muscles are just more powerful and resilient to pain. So things which can cause bleeding and tearing of a healing fissure will not impact much. Well, it may be fake. But muscles do work that way and therapy for those issues include those excercises too.
2024-02-18 04:08:06
I was doubting for many days. It was my observation too that when ever I have frequent masterbating like for days I start developing piles issue. on the other had I would like to highlight from my observation here that the position in which you ejaculate matters the most which part of your body will get affected. According to my experience, - When I Ejaculate while Seating on the Toilet seat I start developing piles. - When I Ejaculate in sleeping position with pillow under head I will get the neck sprain. There can be such more position which can lead to other stiffness in muscles or amy develope other issue. This article confirms my doubt and should be considered as research topic for piles as well as other such condition caused due to frequent ejaculation in a different postures.
2023-08-21 16:01:01
Greetings. I am a 32-year-old male dealing with persistent and aggressive hemorrhoids over the last few months. While I've only experienced them a few times in my life previously, they have become a constant issue now. I am aware that the medication buprenorphine plays a role in their occurrence, and prolonged periods of masturbation have exacerbated the most severe one. Initially, I considered a potential issue with my prostate, as it seemed to protrude during masturbation. However, after reading this article, everything falls into place. I've been concerned about the persistence of this hemorrhoid, and I want to express my gratitude to the authors of this hypothesis. It has evolved from a mere hypothesis to an undeniable reality.
2023-06-25 04:46:44
True hypothesis. Prolonged and frequent masturbations do result in painful hemorrhoids. It also causes dry scalp and dry skin in other parts of the body.
Eric Blair
2023-08-11 21:43:12
Since 2 years now, I have been in prolonged masturbation sessions, often 4-5 times a day. I was unemployed and in a constant lustful state. I now have Ulcerative Colitis, I feel I have inflammed my Colon through constant masturbation. TAKE CARE OF YOURSELVES AND REMEMBER TO TAKE A BREAK.
John Doe
2023-05-08 15:40:00
Hey I am a26 year old male and I am currently suffering from hemorrhoids as a result from long periods of masturbation. Sometimes sitting on the toilet or in bed. I’ve noticed that masturbating “upsets” my hemorrhoids and makes them bigger and warmer.
2020-08-16 01:15:34
I’ve been having long and frequent masturbation sessions for almost 20years and I’ve been sufferinga great pains and much blood coming from my anus, anytime I use the toilet there is always throbbing and unbearable pain in my anus. This pain lasts for almost 12 hours. How can I get rid of this issue, i need help pls.
2021-12-18 11:07:49
This hypothesis is 100℅ correct. Great publication, please spread it to more public access.
2020-05-24 13:00:13
I’ve been having long and frequent masturbation sessions for almost 3 years and I’ve been suffering from rectal tenesmus over a year now. Everytime I have an edging session I feel the urge to poop and there is a throbbing and unbearable pain in my anus. This pain lasts for almost 12 hours. How can I get rid of this issue
2021-11-10 23:26:25
I am very happy for the information I got from this article, it has really educated me on something I never knew
2023-01-03 04:37:57
Yeah it's perfect correct , let's spread this issue to help our young brother it's very stressful !!
2018-08-28 06:08:01
I totally agree with your hypothesis. I have been a victim of the same
2018-08-03 05:41:28
Hi Am from India, I usually notice blood whn i just urinate but when i noticed in tissue paper it was bleeding from anus; ehich bowel movement are also difficult. But later if i delay my masturbation it seems to be reducing and i seem less comfort; as soon i do it i feel painful cramps especially near the anal opening
2020-01-08 23:04:37
Truly there is a great connection between hemorrhoids and masturbation from personal experience.
2021-02-17 19:48:26
True hypothesis from personal experience. Even I believe I developed anal fissure due to masturbation cause anal muscles contracts strongly each time, and in time a got a crack there.