Association of Maternal Body Mass Index with Adverse Maternal and Prenatal Outcomes


avatar rahele alijahan 1 , avatar Babak Nakhostin-Roohi 2 , avatar sousan salimi 1 , avatar Sadegh Hazrati 3 , *

Ardabil District Health Center, Ardabil University of Medical Sciences, Ardabil, Iran
General Physician, Ardabil District Health Center, Ardabil University of Medical Sciences, Ardabil, Iran
Department of Environmental Health, Faculty of Public Health, Ardabil University of Medical Sciences, Ardabil, Iran

How To Cite? alijahan R, Nakhostin-Roohi B, salimi S, Hazrati S . Association of Maternal Body Mass Index with Adverse Maternal and Prenatal Outcomes. Zahedan J Res Med Sci. 2013;15(9):e92863. 


Background : The present study aimed to determine association between abnormal maternal body mass index and adverse maternal/prenatal outcomes
Materials and Methods : In this descriptive-correlation study 8270 pregnant women referred to rural and urban health centers of Ardabil district (from Mar 2009 to Dec 2010) were studied. Data were collected from prenatal healthcare records using a self designed questionnaire. Women with twin pregnancy, less than 18 and above 35 of age, and women with systemic or chronic disease were excluded from the study. The variables examined in this study include, demographic information (e.g. age, social and economy status, and literacy), present pregnancy information (e.g. parity, hemoglobin level, gestational diabetes, preeclampsia) and prenatal information (e.g. preterm delivery, low birth weight, and congenital malformation). Data were analyzed through Kruscal wallis, chi-square, and logistic regression tests using SPSS-16.
Results : 8.2, 25 and 15.4% pregnant of women were underweight, overweight, and obese, respectively. Obese women were at increased risk for macrosomia (OR=1.820, CI: 1.345-2.447, p=0.001), unwanted pregnancy (OR= 1.436, CI: 1.198-1.720, p=0.001), pregnancy induced hypertension (OR= 1.633, CI: 1.072-2.486, p=0.022), preeclampsia (OR= 4.666, CI: 2.353-9.2550, p=0.001), and still birth (OR= 2.602, CI: 1.306-5.184, p=0.007). However, the risk of low birth weight delivery in underweight women were 1.6 times higher than the normal cases (OR= 1.674, CI: 0962-2.912, p=0.068).
Conclusion : Considering high prevalence of abnormal maternal body mass index and its associated adverse maternal and prenatal outcomes consultation before pregnancy is recommended in order to achieve normal body mass index and reduce the relevant complications.


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