countries in particular. To define the pattern of transmission of AIDS in the southern regions of
Sistan-va-Baluchestan province namely Chabahar this research was done on Chabahar sailors
traveling regularly between Chabahar and overseas.
Material and Methods: This research is a Quasi-Experimental study carried out with 130
participants. Questionnaires were used as the data collection tool. Questionnaires were completed
to assess the knowledge, attitude and practice of the sailors about AIDS. Then training programs
including the educational materials, lectures, face to face discussions, and educational films were
presented. Knowledge, attitude and practice of the sailors were evaluated for the second time two
months after the educational programs. The data were analyzed according to suitable statistical
Results: 21% of sailors had history of sexual intercourse while residing in abroad; and our
health educational programs promoted knowledge (27.74 vs. 36.33), attitude (29.45 vs. 42.48) and
practice (23.91 vs. 30.45) significantly.
Conclusion: Use different educational methods for improvement of knowledge, attitude, and
practice of sailors (as a high risk group) have to be considered seriously and by health managers.
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