Effect of Fasting on Some Biochemical Parameters of Blood, Urine and the Weight of Fetus in the Fasting Pregnant


avatar N Rahbar 1 , * , avatar Raheb Ghorbani 2 , avatar A Khazraie 3

Gynecology and Obstetric Dept, Faculty of Medicine, Semnan University of Medical Sciences and Health Services, Semnan, Iran.
Social Medicine Dept, Faculty of Medicine, Semnan University of Medical Sciences and health services, Semanan, Iran.

How To Cite? Rahbar N, Ghorbani R, Khazraie A. Effect of Fasting on Some Biochemical Parameters of Blood, Urine and the Weight of Fetus in the Fasting Pregnant. Zahedan J Res Med Sci. 2005;7(3):e94946. 


Background: Hunger is determined by intensifying and increasing the metabolism diving during
pregnancy .In pregnancy, the prolonged hunger is demonstrated in the from of hypoglycemia and
hyperketonuria. These changes may affect the fetus weight. Thus, this study has been performed to
check the effect of fasting on the parameters such as: blood and, urine biochemistry and the weight
of infant in fasting pregnant women.
Methods and Materials: The present study was conducted before and after Ramadhan on 200
healthy pregnant women who had fasted at least 10 days of holy month of Ramadhan in 1380 and
1379. Blood (5 CC) and urine sample were collected twice: once 48 hours before Ramadhan and
the next time the samples were collected from pregnant women who had fasted 10 (95 person), 20
(63 persons) and 29 (42) days. Parameters under investigation were cholesterol, triglyceride and
B.S. (blood sugar). Their infants’ weight was followed and they were compared with the mean of
the infants’ weight of 100 pregnant, whose pregnancy hadn’t been in Ramadhan .To analyze the
data ,paired t-test and t-test were used in the 5% significant level .
Results: Results showing that the FBS (Fasting Blood Sugar) mean after fasting in the group
with 10 day fasting (P=0.031) and the groups with 20 or 29 (P=0.000) has been significantly than
FBS before fasting .Also, the cholesterol and triglyceride changes have been significant (P=0.000)
.There was not observed any significant difference between the infants’ weight of the fastened
mothers and the ones’ weight of non – fastened mothers (P=0.062). Meanwhile, there has not been
any significant difference in the amount of keton before / after fasting in all groups.
Conclusions: In this research ,it seems that the 12 – hour fasting in the temperate season ,in
spite of reducing blood sugar , triglyceride and cholesterol hasn’t caused ketonuria and weight
loss clearly. So, it seems that the pregnant will not have probably any problem biochemically .


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