Comparison of effect of Chlroquine and placebo on blood sugar of patient with uncontrolled type II diabetes mellitus


avatar H Rashidi 1 , * , avatar H Sanadgol 1 , avatar Farid Fatahi 2 , avatar Mohammad Kazem Momeni 1

Internal Disease Dept, Faculty of Medicine, Zahedan University of Medical Sciences and Health Services, Zahedan, Iran.
Internal Disease Dept, Faculty of Medicine, Tehran University of Medical Sciences and Health Services, Tehran, Iran.

How To Cite? Rashidi H, Sanadgol H, Fatahi F, Momeni M K. Comparison of effect of Chlroquine and placebo on blood sugar of patient with uncontrolled type II diabetes mellitus. Zahedan J Res Med Sci. 2004;6(4):e94979. 


Background: Diabetes mellitus as a most common metabolic disorder of human has a
progressive prevalence that in this disease hyperglycemia from different causes produces several
chronic complications in multiple organs by different mechanism. Normoglycemia is the way of
prevention of complication that can induce by treatment with oral hypoglycemic agent (O.H.A) or
insulin. In type II diabetes the patient treated with O.H.A the failure of treatment is important
problem that maybe primary or secondary. Resolving of this problem is changing the treatment to
insulin therapy. Before this changing we can add some accessory drug to O.H.A regimen for
better controlling of blood sugar. One of these drugs is Chlroquine. In this study we decided to
evaluate the effect of Chlroquine on level of blood sugar of DM II.
Methods and Materials: During one year 55 patient in 2 groups as case (25 patients) and
control (29 patients) treated with Chlroquine and placebo for 3 months. At first point and end of
first, second and third month of study we measured the fasting blood sugar (FBS) & two hours
post prandial blood sugar (2hppBS) and evaluate the change of FBS and 2hppBS in each group
and between of two groups.
Results: The mean age of the case and control group are 53/53±6//44 & 53/58± 7/83 and mean
BMI of two groups are 26/25±3/6 & 24/95±3/25. Mean duration of disease of two groups are
7±4/68 & 6/44±5/3. Those two groups of patients for these parameters and also for basic FBS &
2hppBS are statistically equal.
At the end of three months of study FBS & 2hppBS in each group significantly decreased
(P<0/001). But this different between two groups are not significant (P=0/661 for FBS &
P=0/782 for 2hppBS). But in the end of the first and second months FBS in case group is
significantly lower from control group (P=0/006 for first month & P=0/05 for second one).
Conclusions: Although in other studies that done Chlroquine has reported effective in
decreasing of blood sugar of patient with DM type II, but in this study has not approved. Reasons
of this difference maybe because of different of duration of study or use of hydroxychlroquine
instead of Chlroquine or don't being of control group in pervious study.


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