A case report of neonatal chicken pox


avatar Gholam Reza Soleimani 1 , *

Pediatric infectious disease dept, Faculty of Medicine, Zahedan University of Medical Sciences and health services, Zahedan, Iran.

How To Cite Soleimani G R. A case report of neonatal chicken pox. Zahedan J Res Med Sci. 2002;4(4):e95310. 


Chicken pox is a viral disease occurring with Varicella zoster, from herpes virus’s family,
which presents with papulovesicular lesions on mucocutaneous surface. These lesions first appear
on trunk and face and then could be spread to whole body. Size of lesions is about 5-10 mm with
erythematos background. Rupture of the vesicles is a predisposing factor for secondary bacterial
infection. Signs and symptoms of disease are fever, abdominal discomfort, and malaise and skin
eruptions. Period of symptoms is 7-10 days with a fever about 38.3 – 39.4. It’s a very contagious
disease and has specific vaccination and immunoglobulin. Chicken pox without secondary bacterial
infection does not need to antibiotic. Here is case of neonatal chicken pox.
18 days old boy with fever and cough and skin lesions referred to Ali Asghar hospital. Skin
lesions were papulovesicular with erythematous background and were appeared since 5 days
before admission. Patient had fever 2 days before eruptions and poor feeding after them. At the
same time he had cough and progressive respiratory distress .His mother had a history of fever and
eruptions in last week of pregnancy. Patient did not respond to all supportive and medical
treatments and died in sixth days of admission.


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