The survery of physical health status of school age in Saravan city


avatar hasan robabi 1 , * , avatar S Mahfouz Poor 2 , avatar Camelia Rohani 2

Iranshahr faculty of nursing and midnifery education, Zahedan university of medical sciences and health services, Zahedan, Iran.
Faculty of nursing and midnifery education, Shahid Beheshti university of medical sciences and health services, Tehran, Iran.

How To Cite robabi H, Mahfouz Poor S, Rohani C. The survery of physical health status of school age in Saravan city. Zahedan J Res Med Sci. 2002;4(2):e95340. 


This is a descriptive- analytic study has been conducted in order to assessing physical
health status of male students ranging 6-12 years old studying in academic year 1998- 1999
in city of Saravan .
In this study 400 boys aged between 6- 12 years , of 1th to 5th grades were selected
randomly from boy’s primary school in Saravan city based on polyphasic sampling , and then
were evaluated from these variables: physical growth ( height, weight) , health conditions of
vision , hearing , mouth and tooth. The data collected by questionnaire and observation
record sheets . several instruments have been utilized for examination ( eg : measuring tape ,
weighting scale , Snellen chart , tuning fork, flashlight and spachula ). The median values for
heights and weights of children subjects in all of age groups positioned below the 25 the
percentile of national center of health statistics (N.C.H.S) the height of 28.5% and the weight
of 28% of chidren subjected were under the 5 the percentile of N.C.H.S. 22.7% of under
research individuals had reduced visual acuity in varying degrees ( 0.9- 0.4) in one or both
eyes 5.5% of individuals were subjected to whisper test and were found to have hearing loss
in one or both ears. 84% of students in the present research were having decay in primary or
permanent teeth .Comparing average value of height and weight related to students under the
research in age groups of 6-8 and 9 years with demographic specifications , it wase found
that there is a positive correlation between the average of weight and height and the parent’s
educations and occupation ( specially mothers) (p=0.03,p=0.01) .
In general , results revealed that physical health status of target population is
undesired,therfore , considering the importance of early diagnosis and cure , such screening
shoud be performed in children at school


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