
Celebrating a Milestone-APID Achieves New Impact Factor of 0.5 in JCR 2024

Last Update: 01 July, 2024 | 06:24

Exciting news - Archives of Pediatric Infectious Diseases' impact factor updated to 0.5 in JCR 2024, highlighting our commitment to high-quality pediatric research.

We are delighted to share exciting news from the Archives of Pediatric Infectious Diseases (APID) According to the latest Journal Citation Reports (JCR) 2024, our journal's impact factor has been updated to 0.5. This significant achievement underscores our commitment to publishing high-quality research in the field of pediatric infectious diseases and highlights the growing influence of our journal.



What is an Impact Factor?

The impact factor is a metric that reflects the average number of citations received by articles published in a journal. It serves as an indicator of the journal's influence and prestige within the academic community. Achieving an impact factor of 0.5 demonstrates that the research published in the Archives of Pediatric Infectious Diseases is being recognized and cited by peers and experts in the field, contributing valuable insights and advancements.

Acknowledging Contributions

We extend our heartfelt thanks to our dedicated editorial team, reviewers, and authors whose hard work and commitment have been instrumental in achieving this milestone. Their contributions have elevated the quality and reputation of our journal, making it a trusted source for cutting-edge research in pediatric infectious diseases.

Looking Ahead

As we celebrate this achievement, we remain committed to our mission of advancing knowledge and improving child health through rigorous scientific research. We invite researchers and healthcare professionals worldwide to continue submitting their innovative studies to the Archives of Pediatric Infectious Diseases. Your contributions play a crucial role in furthering our understanding and treatment of pediatric infectious diseases.

Join Us in Celebrating

We invite you to join us in celebrating this accomplishment and to explore the latest research articles published in the Archives of Pediatric Infectious Diseases. Together, we can continue to make significant strides in pediatric healthcare and contribute to better outcomes for children worldwide.

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For more updates and to read the latest research articles, visit our website. Thank you for your continued support and contributions to the Archives of Pediatric Infectious Diseases.