
Exciting Update: Achieves New Impact Factor of 0.2 in JCR 2024!

Last Update: 30 June, 2024 | 07:24

IJ Radiology's impact factor rises to 0.2 in JCR 2024, highlighting our commitment to high-quality radiology research and innovation.

We are delighted to share some exciting news from the IJ Radiology. According to the latest Journal Citation Reports (JCR) 2024, our impact factor has been updated to 0.2! This new milestone signifies the journal’s growing influence and the high quality of research it publishes, reflecting the hard work and dedication of our editorial team, reviewers, and authors.


Celebrating a Significant Milestone

The updated impact factor of 0.2 is more than just a number; it represents a collective effort towards advancing the field of radiology. IJ Radiology has consistently aimed to provide a platform for pioneering research, innovative techniques, and groundbreaking discoveries. This updated impact factor highlights our success in achieving these goals and showcases the journal's increasing recognition within the scientific community.

Understanding the Impact Factor

An impact factor is a key metric in the academic publishing world, indicating the average number of citations received per paper published in a journal over the preceding two years. An impact factor of 0.2 suggests that articles published in IJ Radiology are being recognized and cited by peers in the field, underscoring the relevance and quality of the research we publish.

Acknowledging Our Contributors

This achievement would not have been possible without the unwavering support and contributions of our dedicated community. We extend our deepest gratitude to:


For submitting their high-quality research and trusting IJ Radiology as their publication platform.


For their meticulous and constructive feedback, ensuring the integrity and excellence of our published articles.

Editorial Team:

For their tireless efforts in managing the publication process and upholding the highest standards of academic publishing.

Looking Forward to Continued Excellence

As we celebrate this significant milestone, we remain committed to our mission of advancing the field of radiology through the dissemination of high-quality research. Our updated impact factor motivates us to continue striving for excellence and to further elevate the journal’s standing within the global scientific community.

We invite researchers, scholars, and practitioners to contribute their innovative work to IJ Radiology. By submitting your manuscripts, you will be joining a respected journal with a growing impact and visibility in the field.

Join Us in Advancing Radiology

Submit your original and groundbreaking research to the International Journal of Radiology and be part of a journal that is making strides in the academic world. With our updated impact factor, IJ Radiology offers enhanced visibility and recognition for your work.

Thank you for your continued support and contributions to the International Journal of Radiology. Together, we will continue to push the boundaries of knowledge and make impactful discoveries in the field of radiology.