Publons in Brieflands Journals

Last Update: 21 August, 2024 | 09:55

Brieflands is the Official Partner of Publons

Recently, Publons API has been deployed in 3 Brieflands journals listed below, and we succeeded in being one of the official partners of Publons.

  1. Hepatitis Monthly
  2. Jundishapur Journal of Microbiology
  3. Health Scope

Therefore, all reviews in the mentioned journals could be added to Publons automatically.

How do you add a review to Publons?

After completing a peer review for one of the Brieflands journals, reviewers can add their review to their Publons profile. Since 2021, three Brieflands journals have been integrated with Publons, making this process straightforward. Add a new review to Publons in Brieflands Journals

Publons Key Message

Publons mission is to speed up research by harnessing the power of peer review.

Peer review is at the heart of the research ecosystem. It is the gold standard for validating findings, qualifying their importance, and filtering out misleading or fraudulent work. Without peer review, research and discovery would move at a glacial rate. Historically, the invaluable work of peer reviewers has gone unreported and unrecognized due to the anonymous/blind reviewing models used across research disciplines. As a result, the incentives to peer review have diminished, and the individuals reviewing have been underreporting their impact on world research.   

​​​​Publons works with researchers, publishers and institutions to turn peer review into a measurable research output, all in full compliance with journal review models. 

With a free Publons profile, researchers can effortlessly maintain a single, verified record of all their reviewing and editorial activity for any of the world's journals. This evidence can include CVs, bios, funding applications, and promotion/performance evaluations.


Who uses Publons?

  • Reviewers use Publons to Effortlessly track, verify, and showcase their peer review activity across all of the world's journals, in compliance with journal review policies.
  • Editors use Publons to:
    • Track, verify, and showcase their editorial activity across the world's journals; and
    • Find, screen, contact, and motivate reviewers.
  • Publishers use Publons to:
    • formally recognize the efforts of their reviewers; and
    • improve peer review quality and efficiency; and
    • find, screen, and contact expert reviewers.

By the numbers

Publons is home to over 400k+ expert reviewers and 2.5m+ reviews across 25,000 journals. 

In every week: 

  • over 45,000 new reviews are added to Publons; and
  • over 7,000 reviewers sign up to Publons.

Publons is officially integrated with over 2,000 journals across the world's leading publishers.

How to add reviews via Neoscriber journals to Publons?


Advantages of Publons in Journals


"The key element to solve all your problems is to find the best reviewers."

"Turning to a rewarding activity."

"Connect to the world of reviewers."

"To introduce your review activities to all."

"Free for reviewers to join."

"Public information of reviews"

"Online resume of reviewers"

"Sync with ORCID and Researcher ID"

"Tracking the effectiveness of your research activities."

"Show your awards."

"Trends of your reviews"

"Empower your review skills."

Educational Videos about Publons (produced in Brieflands):

  • How do you add a previous review to Publons? Youtube | Aparat
  • How to Add a New Review to Publons in Brieflands Journals? Youtube | Aparat
  • How to register as an EIC in Publons and access to manage a journal? Youtube | Aparat
  • How does EIC manage a journal in the partner dashboard of Publons? Youtube | Aparat