
Accepted Manuscripts

Last Update: 01 October, 2023 | 07:11


Articles that have been peer-reviewed and accepted for publication by the Editorial Board. They have not yet been copy edited and/or formatted in the publication house style, and may not yet have full functionality, e.g., Supplementary files may still need to be added, links to references may not resolve yet, etc.


Article ID Title
142064 Association of Maternal Vitamin B12 and Folate Levels with Gestational Diabetes Mellitus and Insulin Resistance
142956 The Study Protocol for the Effectiveness of Agomelatine on Severity and Frequency of Episodic Migraine Attacks Without Aura: A Randomized Triple-blind, Placebo-controlled Trial
143049 Histopathological and molecular characteristics of malignant breast tumors in Kurdish population during the 2019-2021 years
143170 Empowering Midwifery Students: Exploring the Impact of Group Counseling on Clinical Stress Management
145384 The frequency of celiac disease and its association with infertility in women referring to infertility clinics; A case-control study in Southern Iran