Coupon or Promotion Code
Coupon Code:
A coupon code is a special code produced by the publisher to offer a discount in a pre-defined period of time. This code belongs only to invited articles and the author of the invited article is able to use it during submission or after acceptance of his/her article before paying the article processing charge. Please consider the correct date and deadline for using a coupon code because each coupon code has its own deadline and duration of usage.
How do I apply for a discount?
You are an invited author:
If you are an invited author, please first submit your manuscript. After acceptance of your manuscript, you will receive an invoice with the full amount. Then, and after receiving this invoice, contact us via the Support portal and request a new invoice (with a discount). We will send you a new invoice.
You are a Reviewer in one of our journals:
After acceptance of your article, contact us via the Support portal and inform us about the number of your finished review assignments in our journals. Then, we will send you a new invoice with a discount.
You already have a discount and want to use it during the Submission
If you already have a valid "Coupon Code" and you are going to use it, please:
- Start submission to the journal
- Enter the coupon code into the text field that appears during your submission
- After acceptance of your article, you will receive an invoice with the discount. Otherwise, let us know to re-send a new invoice to you.
I forgot my coupon code
After acceptance, fill out this "Request Discount Form" online and write the coupon code number.
- If you previously submitted a manuscript and you forgot to mention your coupon code, please contact us via the same online form (submit a ticket via the Request Discount Form).