Checklists for Authors and Reviewers

Last Update: 20 August, 2024 | 11:40

To improve the success rate of publishing articles, authors can consider these checklists which will be considered as a checklist by the Reviewers in the review process.

Using a checklist can help you get published faster and maximize the impact of your work. The below checklists are copied from a tool was made by the EQUATOR Network in collaboration with To read more please refer to


Study DesignLinkDownload Checklist
Case-Control StudySTROBEDownload Checklist
Case Report or Case SeriesCARE ChecklistDownload Checklist
Cohort StudySTROBE ChecklistDownload Checklist
Cross-Sectional StudySTROBE Cross sectionalDownload Checklist
Diagnostic Test Accuracy StudySTARD statementDownload Checklist
Meta-Analysis StudyMOOSE ChecklistDownload Checklist
Systematic Review (with or without a meta-analysis)PRISMA statementDownload Checklist
Observational Studies in Nutritional EpidemiologySTROBE-NUTDownload Checklist
Prediction Model Development/ValidationTRIPOD statementDownload Checklist
Randomized Trial StudyCONSORT statementDownload Checklist
Abstract of Randomized TrialsCONSORT AbstractDownload Checklist
Study using Laboratory AnimalsARRIVE guidelinesDownload Checklist
Protocol of a Clinical TrialSPIRIT guidelinesDownload Checklist
Protocol of a Systematic Review and Meta-AnalysisPRISMA-P statementDownload Checklist
Qualitative Study

SRQR guideline


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Economic Evaluation of Health InterventionsCHEERS guidelinesDownload Checklist
Quality Improvement in Health CareSQUIRE statementDownload Checklist
Randomized Trial of a social or psychological interventionCONSORT-SPIDownload Checklist
Behavioral and Public Health InterventionsTREND ChecklistDownload Checklist
Genetic Association StudySTREGA guidelinesDownload Checklist
Tumor Marker Prognostic StudiesREMARK ChecklistDownload Checklist
Statistical Assessment of Medical PapersCHAMP CHecklistDownload Checklist