To do a precise peer-review of a scientific manuscript, as a cornerstone of modern science and medicine, journals rely on expert and objective review by the reviewers. Most of our distinguished reviewers are not experts in some of the significant aspects of medical ethics considerations.
Our investigations revealed that many reviewers only focus on the scientific aspects of an article while there is a lack of proper attention to the ethics in their reviews.
Therefore, we decide to train our reviewers on the importance of medical ethics.
Briefland will hold the Webinar in cooperation with NNFTRI.
- A webinar by: Dr. Seyyed Mohammad Miri (MD, Ph.D., Fellowship of Medical Ethics, and CEO of Briefland, The Netherlands)
- Date: 9 March 2022: 8-10 am (Amsterdam Time)
- Link to Registration in the Webinar: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_uP7CZ_ePSmOtBtKHMpS4vA
- Offline Webinar: (will be announced)
- Link to Webpage (Farsi): https://brief.land/scinews/articles/123757
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