Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine
1. Analgesic effect of ropivacaine combined with dexmedetomidine in the postoperative period in children undergoing ultrasound-guided single-shot sacral epidural block: A systematic review and meta-analysis
- Shoubo Quan
- Yuexia Lu
- Yujie Huang
2. Efficacy of ozone injections for reducing musculoskeletal pain in comparison with corticosteroid injections: A systematic review and meta-analysis
- Pedro Iván Arias-Vázquez
- Mauro Nicolás Guzzardo
- Duilio Román Guzzardo
- Rosa Giannina Castillo-Avila
- Carlos Alfonso Tovilla-Zárate
- Miguel Angel Nazul Ake Montiel
3. Add dexmedetomidine to levobupivacaine for transversus abdominis plane block in elderly patients undergoing inguinal hernia repair: Could it make a difference? A randomised trial
- Ghada Mohammad Abo Elfadl
- Wesam Nashat Ali
- Fatma Nabil Ahmed
- Nessren M Abd el-Rady
- Ahmed Mohammed Ali
- Marwa Mahmoud Abdel Rady
4. Therapeutic Effects of Intra-articular Botulinum Neurotoxin Versus Physical Therapy in Knee Osteoarthritis
- Zahra Rezasoltani
- Afsaneh Dadarkhah
- Seyed Morteza Tabatabaee
- Fateme Abdorrazaghi
- Morteza Kazempour Mofrad
- Reza Kazempour Mofrad
5. Comparison of Perioperative Pregabalin and Duloxetine for Pain Management After Total Knee Arthroplasty: A Double-Blind Clinical Trial
- Farnad Imani
- Azadeh Emami
- Mahzad Alimian
- Nasim Nikoubakht
- Niloofar Khosravi
- Mehdi Rajabi
- Arthur Christopher Hertling
6. Neurofascial Dextrose Prolotherapy for Managing Chronic Ankle Ligament Injury
- Morteza Kazempour Mofrad
- Zahra Rezasoltani
- Afsaneh Dadarkhah
- Sanaz Hamidi Panah
- Seyed Morteza Tabatabaee
- Arezoo Azarakhsh
7. Adductor Canal Block in the Outpatient Clinic for Pain Control Following Knee Surgery
- Sholahuddin Rhatomy
- Rizki Rahmadian
- Faiz Alam Rasyid
- Evlin Margaretha