Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine
1. Preventing postoperative cognitive dysfunction using anesthetic drugs in elderly patients undergoing noncardiac surgery: a systematic review and meta-analysis
- Kuan Zeng
- Jingyi Long
- Yi Li
- Jichang Hu
2. A randomized trial of desflurane or sevoflurane on postoperative quality of recovery after knee arthroscopy
- Stuart Boggett
- Jared Ou-Young
- Johan Heiberg
- Richard De Steiger
- Martin Richardson
- Zelda Williams
- Colin Royse
- Alessandro Putzu
3. The impact of inhalation anesthetics on early postoperative cognitive function and recovery characteristics in Down syndrome patients: a randomized, double – blind study
- Emmanouil Gkliatis
- Alexandros Makris
- Chryssoula Staikou
4. Influence of Ketamine on Early Postoperative Cognitive Function After Orthopedic Surgery in Elderly Patients
- Ki Hwa Lee
- Ji Yeon Kim
- Jeong Won Kim
- Jang Su Park
- Kyu Won Lee
- Sang Yoon Jeon
5. Emergence times and airway reactions during general anaesthesia with remifentanil and a laryngeal mask airway
- Ana Kowark
- Rolf Rossaint
- Friedrich Pühringer
- András P. Keszei
- Harald Fritz
- Gebhard Fröba
- Christopher Rex
- Hansjörg Haas
- Volker Otto
- Mark Coburn
6. Volatile anaesthetics and postoperative delirium in older surgical patients—A secondary analysis of prospective cohort studies
- Sakura Kinjo
- Eunjung Lim
- Maria Victoria Magsaysay
- Laura P. Sands
- Jacqueline M. Leung
7. Dexmedetomidine infusion for prevention of emergence agitation in patients undergoing percutaneous nephrolithotomy under sevoflurane anesthesia
- Mostafa M Sabra