

1. The Psoas Muscle Index Is Associated with Prognosis in Elderly Patients Undergoing Cardiovascular Surgery

- Yudai Iwasaki

- Junji Shiotsuka

- Alan Kawarai Lefor

- Masamitsu Sanui

2. The use of oscillatory respiratory therapy with positive expiratory pressure (PEP-therapy) to restore the functional state of the lungs in patients after cardiac surgery

- A.A. Eremenko

- T.P. Zyulyaeva

- A.P. Alferova

- D.V. Fomina

- M.S. Grekova

- O.O. Grin

- S.S. Dmitrieva

- A.V. Molochkov

- A.P. Gens

- K.V. Kotenko

3. The effect of cognition in combination with an ACBT on dyspnea-related kinesiophobia in patients with moderate to severe COPD: Quasirandomized controlled trial study

- Shasha Cai

- Jinlan Yao

- Maomao Han

- Xiaolin Luo

- Yudi Yu

- Xiaorong Lu

- Xinyue Xiang

- Lihua Huang

4. The Effect of Active Cycle of Breathing Techniques (ACBT) on Shortness of Breath and Facilitation of Airway Clearance in Obstructive Pulmonary Disease: Literature Review

- Ni Luh Putu Citra Mahadewi

- Ni Putu Diah Anantari

- Ketut Sutirama Cagi Putra

- I Gusti Agung Ayu Ari Candra Laksmi

- I Gede Eka Juli Prasana

- Ariezta Jeviana

5. Effects of Combined Stretching and Breathing Exercise on Hemodynamic and Oxygenation Changes in Patients Undergoing CABG Surgery

- A Zarneshan

- N Safaee

- L Esmealy

- B Esmealy

6. Resolution of Resorptive and Compressive Atelectasis without Invasive Manoeuvres: A Case Report

- Simone Ielo

- Paolo Calò

- Alessia Del Pizzo

- Riccardo Cucurachi

- Giovanni Piraino

- Eirini Lemontzi

7. Оценка эффективности наружного перкуссионного и виброакустического массажа грудной клетки при респираторной реабилитации у кардиохирургических пациентов: рандомизированное контролируемое исследование

- Александр Анатольевич Еременко

- Т. П. Зюляева

- А. П. Алферова

- Д. В. Фомина

- М. С. Грекова

- О. О. Гринь

- С. C. Дмитриева

- С. О. Попов

8. Glycemic Control in Coronary Artery Bypass Graft Surgery: A Different Perspective

- Vali Imantalab

- Abbas Sedighinejad

- Ali Mohammadzadeh Jouryabi

- Gelareh Biazar

- Gholamreza Kanani

- Mohammad Haghighi

- Haniyeh Sadat Fayazi

- Golnoosh Ghasvareh

9. Active Cycle Breathing Technique Terhadap Fungsional Paru Pasien Post CABG (Laporan Kasus Berbasis Bukti)

- Riza Pahlawi

- Zahra Sativani

10. Clinical Applications of Aspirin as a Multi-potent Drug Beyond Cardiovascular Implications: A Proof of Concept for Anesthesiologists- A Narrative Review

- Aysa Rezabakhsh

- Ata Mahmoodpoor

- Maryam Soleimanpour

- Kavous Shahsavarinia

- Hassan Soleimanpour