Jet lag in military and civil aviation


avatar Hamzeh Shahali 1 , * , avatar Azadeh Amirabadi Farahani 2

Resident, Aerospace And Diving Medical Faculty, AJA University Of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran., Andorra
Resident, Department of Pathology, Imam Khomeini Complex Hospital, Medical Faculty, Tehran University Of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran., Andorra

How To Cite Shahali H, Amirabadi Farahani A. Jet lag in military and civil aviation. Ann Mil Health Sci Res. 2013;11(3):e66139. 


Background: Physiologic or behavioral cycles are generated by an internal pacemaker with an oscillatory frequency of approximately 24. 2 hours which named Circadian Rhythm. This internal pacemaker is locate at hypothalamus as suprachiasmatic nucleus and it Controls sleep/wake cycle, with wakefulness commonly promoted during daylight hours and sleep promoted during evening hours. The Aim of This article is providing a framework for understanding the biological basis of jet lag and for recommending management strategies. Understanding jet lag can help us address the broader problem of circadian misalignment, which has increasingly been associated with increased risk for cancer(Colorectal and Breast), metabolic disease, cardiovascular dysfunction, mood disorders (Depression), and cognitive decline.
Results: Jet Lag usually experienced amongst individuals who traverse at least 2 time zones by Intercontinental Flights. Symptoms and Signs Usually Occur During 1-2 Days After Arrival In Relation of circadian system complication and Cause insomnia, sleepiness, general malaise, GI upset (Anorexia, indigestion and defecation disorders), neural (fatigue, headaches, and irritability) And cognitive impairments (concentration, judgment and memory disturbance) and … Eastward travel requires a phase advance and These Persons often complain of initiating sleep at Early Evening and Awaking at Early Morning. Thus, eastbound travelers have Difficult Adaptation and Worsen Features rather Than Westbound Travelers. Incidence of Get Lag Often Does Not Reported and so the Accurate Prevalence is uncertain.
Conclusion: Because Of the Progressive Development of Aviation and Intercontinental Travels, Aware about Jet Lag and Its Complications, Prevention and Treatment for All Population Especially Aviators and medical Groups are Necessary.


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