Barodontalgia in Military Aerospace & Diving


avatar Hamzeh Shahali 1 , avatar Bita Rohani 2 , *

Researcher, Aerospace and Diving Medical Faculty, AJA University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran., Andorra
Assistant Professor of Oral Medicine, Dental Research Center, Dental Faculty, AJA University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran., Andorra

How To Cite Shahali H, Rohani B. Barodontalgia in Military Aerospace & Diving. Ann Mil Health Sci Res. 2013;11(1):e67457. 


Background: Since aerospace and oceans have been captured, the most important concerns were unfamiliarity with hazards of entering into unknown environments. From anatomical and physiological point of view, human body compatible with living on the earth. Thus human survival at other conditions necessitous specific equipment’s. Identification of those hazards and how to prevent and cure was the purpose of this article.
Materials and Methods: This review article is a collection of data and knowledge regard to earth atmosphere from credible and scientific books and articles.
Results: Tooth pain following barometric pressure changes, named barodontalgia. Military air and naval forces due to face agile maneuvers and special conditions are high-risk population. Three pathophysiological hypotheses suggested: 1.Inflamatory, 2.Gas embolism, and 3.Trapped air. Pain often occur suddenly and unpredictable. Patient profile, clinical examination and paraclinical procedures help to make net diagnosis. Oral hygiene and periodical dental examinations of high-risk population are critical prevention methods.
Conclusions: Barodontalgia is rather rare but its emersion on complicated (critical) air and naval task forces can lead to human and equipment hazards. Therefore, sufficient attention in prevention and creation of optimal conditions for researches will be valuable.


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