The Cerebrolysin efficacy in acute ischemic stroke


avatar Mohammad Aminianfar 1 , avatar Hossein ali Salehi 2 , * , avatar Ali Asghar Saidi 3 , avatar Alireza Ranjbar naeeni 3 , avatar Negar Kaveh 4

Assistant Professor, Department of Infectious and Tropical Disease, Be'sat Hospital, Medical Faculty, AJA University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran, Andorra
Assistant Professor, Department of Neurology, AJA University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran, Andorra
Assistant Professor, Department of Neurology, Be'sat Hospital, AJA University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran, Andorra
Medical Researcher, General Physician, Tehran, Iran, Andorra

How To Cite Aminianfar M, Salehi H A , Saidi A A, Ranjbar naeeni A, Kaveh N. The Cerebrolysin efficacy in acute ischemic stroke. Ann Mil Health Sci Res. 2012;10(4):e67809. 


Background: Cerebrolysin, a preparation of low molecular weight neuropeptide and free amino acids, has been shown to have a great affect against excitotoxicity, inhibiting free radical formation, microglia activation and additionally neurotrophic action, promoting neuronal sprouting, and improving cellular survival and stimulating neurogenesis following stroke. The aim of this study was to determine the efficacy of Cerebrolysinon acute ischemic stroke.
Materials and Methods: The present study was a randomised double blind clinical trial. The sample was 89 patients with confirmed the diagnosis of acute ischemic stroke. The patients divided in the intervention or control group with simple randomization. Patients in intervention group received 50ml cerebrolysin diluted in 100ml normal saline solution (totally 150 ml) infused over a time period of 30 minutes for 7 days and for control group patients, administered just 150ml normal saline infusion. Patients were assessed on days 1, 30 and 90 by Orgogozo, barthel index, MRS and NIHSS score.
Results: The findings indicated that the mean of scores at the end of the first month was increased in comparision with the first day, 1.68 in intervention and -10.95 in intervention and case groups respectively and these differences were meaningful statistically (p<0.05). The comparison of scores at the end of three month treatment to the first day reported meaningful too (p<0.05). The findings demonstrated that at the end of the third month as compared with the first day, added 1.68 to case group score and reduced -13.21 from the control group score.
Conclusion: Cerebrolysin is efficient in acute ischemic stroke patients and decreases the tissue damage severity in these patients. On the other hand, presumably it can reduces disabillity of the disease.


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