Immobilization of Glucose oxidase on nano structure of graphene applied in blood glucose sensors


avatar Abdu Rahman Hosseini far 1 , *

Researcher, PhD Student of Nanotechnology, Chemical engineering School, Tehran University, Tehran, Iran., Andorra

How To Cite Hosseini far A R . Immobilization of Glucose oxidase on nano structure of graphene applied in blood glucose sensors. Ann Mil Health Sci Res. 2012;10(4):e68124. 


Background: Enzymes Immobilization methods on the fixed bed are very important for recovery, reuse and also increasing catalytic activity of enzyme. In the beginning of this review we define immobilization, then methods of enzyme immobilization are presented. Then immobilization of glucose Oxidase (Gox) on grapheme substrate and determination of glucose by this catalyst is described. Gox is a biocatalyst that accelerates the reaction of Hydrogen Peroxide production from glucose. Most of the conventional glucometers for sensing blood glucose follow this method. In this review, all the recent articles correspond to new advantages of glucose sensing based on graphene substrate are discussed.
Materials and Methods: Due to the novelty of this method, there are few reports about graphene based sensors e.g. the first one was reported on 2009. Novelties lead to increasing bio-compatibility for in vivo application of sensors, decreasing LOD of sensor.
Conclusion: Due to increasing importance of chemical and biochemical sensors in early diagnosis of disease, and also obvious perspective of sensor industries and special capabilities of nanotechlogy applications in this field, this is expected to diagnose many of the disease in early steps in a near future. Herald role of glucose sensors in rapid response and low limit of detection is remarkable. Graphene shows excellent properties such as bio compatibility, cost effective, rapid response and etc, than to the other members of nano-carbonic structres.


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