Archives of Pediatric Infectious Diseases
The Official Journal of Pediatric Infections Research Center, SBMU
1. Dissemination of Urinary <i>Escherichia coli</i> Phylogroup B2 in Provincial and Community Hospitals in Uthai Thani, Central Thailand
- Chanihcha Anudit
- Pornthip Saraisuwan
- Chantana Kimterng
- Chanakan Puangmanee
- Nicharee Bamphensin
- Anusak Kerdsin
2. Investigation of virulence factors, phylogenetic grouping, multiple-locus variable number tandem repeat analysis, and antimicrobial susceptibility of E. coli isolated from aborted bovine fetal tissue
- Ediz Kağan Özgen
- Berna Yanmaz
- Perihan Şerifoğlu Bağatir
3. The role of bacterial metabolism in human gut colonization
- Ada Muñoz-Cazalla
- Ignacio de Quinto
- Laura Álvaro-Llorente
- Jerónimo Rodríguez-Beltrán
- Cristina Herencias
4. Phylogenetic Diversity, Antibiotic Resistance, and Virulence of Escherichia coli Strains from Urinary Tract Infections in Algeria
- Anfal Kara
- Chiara Massaro
- Giovanni M. Giammanco
- Rosa Alduina
- Naouel Boussoualim