Could Cancer Initiate From Bone Marrow Progenitors?


avatar Hmed Ben Nasr 1 , * , avatar Serria Turky Hammami 1 , avatar Khaled Zeghal 1

Dept. of Pharmacology, Medicine Faculty, Sfax University, Rue Magida Boulila, Sfax, Tunisia

How To Cite Ben Nasr H , Turky Hammami S, Zeghal K. Could Cancer Initiate From Bone Marrow Progenitors?. Int J Cancer Manag. 2013;6(2):e80411. 


Background: Defining cancer stem cells and their origins is of much controversy, and constitutes a challenged knockout for cell targeting- anticancer drugs. Herein, we put forward a hypothetic model for cancer stem cells initiation from bone marrow stem cells. These later, will differentiate into an ancestral progenitor that activates a memorial program – the black box cassette- that is responsible of abnormal neo-organogenesis in the form of tumors and metastases. To approve this model, we assume that characterizing and investigating the most primitive forms of the bone marrow progenitors is required; both inside their niche and in circulation of cancer patients.


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