Journal Overview
Welcome to the International Journal of Cancer Management (IJCM), a peer-reviewed journal published by Brieflands STM Publisher. IJCM is dedicated to advancing the understanding and management of cancer through original studies, reviews, and case reports. The journal covers a wide range of topics, including cancer etiology, epidemiology, prevention, diagnosis, treatment strategies such as surgery, radiotherapy, and medical oncology, as well as cancer survivorship and palliative care. With a special focus on translational research bridging the laboratory and clinic, IJCM aims to contribute to global cancer research and best practices in patient care.
Abstracted/Indexed: ISI Web of Science (ESCI) | Scopus | EMBASE | EBSCOHost | CABI | Scientific Information Database (SID) | ISC | Google Scholar, more
Scope: All aspects of cancer management and prevention, more
COPE member: Since 2017