International Journal of High Risk Behaviors and Addiction
1. A Qualitative Study of the Relationship Between Methamphetamine Abuse and Sexual Dysfunction in Male Substance Abusers
- Behrouz Dolatshahi
- Ali Farhoudian
- Mozhgan Falahatdoost
- Mahmoud Tavakoli
- Ebrahim Rezaie Dogahe
2. Adaptação cultural do Questionário Reduzido de Autorregulação: sugestões de aplicação para área de voz
- Anna Alice Almeida
- Mara Behlau
3. Internet Gaming Disorder Behaviors in Emergent Adulthood: a Pilot Study Examining the Interplay Between Anxiety and Family Cohesion
- Baxter L. M. Adams
- Vasilis Stavropoulos
- Tyrone L. Burleigh
- Lucas W. L. Liew
- Charlotte L. Beard
- Mark D. Griffiths
4. Dark Times: The Role of Negative Reinforcement in Methamphetamine Addiction
- April C. May
- Robin L. Aupperle
- Jennifer L. Stewart
5. The impact of methamphetamine use and dependence: A systematic review on the cognitive-behavioural implications for road safety
- Steven Love
- Michelle Nicolls
- Bevan Rowland
- Jeremy Davey