

1. Relationship of Self-Differentiation and Social Intelligence with Happiness by Mediating Role of Difficulty in Cognitive Emotion Regulation Among Female-Headed Households

- Masoumeh Dehdashti Lesani

- Behnam Makvandi

- Farah Naderi

- Fariba Hafezi

2. Self‐esteem in the context of intimate partner violence: A concept analysis

- Ayşe Güler

- Karen Bankston

- Carolyn R. Smith

3. Die deutsche Version des Differentiation of Self Inventory (DSI-G)

- Reinhard Maß

- Marie-Lene Schottke

- Ann-Marie Borchert

- Pauline Marie Ellermann

- Lena-Marieke Jahn

- Olaf Morgenroth

4. Relationships between Coerced Sexting and Differentiation of Self: An Exploration of Protective Factors

- Jessica Laird

- Bianca Klettke

- Elizabeth Clancy

- Ian Fuelscher


6. Attaccamento, Cura e Responsabilità educativa per la prevenzione della violenza di genere

- Maria Luisa Iavarone

- Chiara Scuotto