International Journal of High Risk Behaviors and Addiction
1. Prevalence and intensity of cigarette smoking in Iranian households: measurement of socioeconomic inequality
- Roya Safari-Faramani
- Jafar Yahyavi Dizaj
- Saeed Amini
- Arash Parvari
- Kamran Irandost
- Zohreh Arefi
- Ali Kazem-Karyani
2. HIV preventive practice and its associated factors among street dwellers in Ethiopia: Application of health belief model
- Yosef Wassihun
- Zemed Hunegnaw
- Tadele Fentabel Anagaw
- Zeamanuel Anteneh Yigzaw
- Eyob Ketema Bogale
- Siyan Yi
3. Lifetime alcohol‐use prevalence and correlated factors among street children in Iran
- Payam Roshanfekr
- Delaram Ali
- Mehdi Noroozi
- Giti Bahrami
- Meroe Vameghi
4. Prevalence of HIV and associated risk factors among street-connected children in Mwanza city
- Said Nyumayo
- Eveline Konje
- Benson Kidenya
- Anthony Kapesa
- Marko Hingi
- Nyagwegwe Wango
- Joshua Ngimbwa
- Violeth Alphonce
- Namanya Basinda
- Hanna Landenmark