

1. Metacognition and Headache: Which Is the Role in Childhood and Adolescence?

- Noemi Faedda

- Giulia Natalucci

- Dario Calderoni

- Rita Cerutti

- Paola Verdecchia

- Vincenzo Guidetti

2. The posterior cerebellum supports the explicit sequence learning linked to trait attribution

- Min Pu

- Elien Heleven

- Jeroen Delplanque

- Noémie Gibert

- Qianying Ma

- Giulia Funghi

- Frank Van Overwalle

3. Effect of Metacognitive Therapy and Acceptance and Commitment Therapy on Body Image Concerns of Female Hemodialysis Patients

- Ramin Tajbakhsh

- Samira Haddadi

- Sharareh Zeighami Mohammadi