International Journal of High Risk Behaviors and Addiction
1. Overprotective parenting experiences and early maladaptive schemas in adolescence and adulthood: A systematic review and meta‐analysis
- Niki Yuen Fen Bruysters
- Pamela D. Pilkington
2. Temperament, parenting styles and the intensity of early maladaptive schemas: assessment of correlations in a non-clinical adult group
- Dorota Mącik
3. Adverse childhood experiences and early maladaptive schemas in adulthood: A systematic review and meta‐analysis
- Pamela D. Pilkington
- Amy Bishop
- Rita Younan
4. Associations between early maladaptive schema domains of parents and their adult children: The role of defence styles
- Cemre Karaarslan
- Dilay Eldogan
- Ibrahim Yigit
5. Retrospective assessment of parental attitudes versus severity of early maladaptive schemas in a non-clinical population of Polish adults – preliminary reports
- Monika Talarowska
- Małgorzata Juraś-Darowny
6. The effects of parental rearing styles and early maladaptive schemas in the development of personality: a systematic review
- Lissia Ana Basso
- Amanda Borges Fortes
- Cintia Pacheco e Maia
- Elisa Steinhorst
- Ricardo Wainer
7. Trans-generational transfer of early maladaptive schemas – a preliminary study performed on a non-clinical group
- Dorota Mącik
- Jan Chodkiewicz
- Daria Bielicka
8. How Does Parental Early Maladaptive Schema Affect Adolescents’ Social Adaptation? Based on the Perspective of Intergenerational Transmission
- Ying Shi
- I-Jun Chen
- Mengping Yang
- Liling Wang
- Yunping Song
- Zhiyin Sun