IJ Pediatrics
The Scientific Journal of Growth & Development Research Center
1. Facilitators and barriers to participation in physical activities in children and adolescents living with cerebral palsy: a scoping review
- Manel Abid
- Yosra Cherni
- Charles Sèbiyo Batcho
- Elodie Traverse
- Marie Denise Lavoie
- Catherine Mercier
2. Psychometric Properties of the Iranian-Children Participation Questionnaire (I-CPQ) When Used with Parents of Preschool Children with Cerebral Palsy
- Malek Amini
- Afsoon Hassani Mehraban
- Omid Rostamzadeh
- Fatemeh Mehdizadeh
3. Comparison of Participation of Children With Cerebral Palsy Aged 4 to 6 years in Occupations With Normal Peers
- Omid Rostam Zadeh
- Malek Amini
- Afsoon Hasani Mehraban
4. The effects of fatigue, gross motor function, and gender on participation in life situations of school-aged children with cerebral palsy: A parental perspective
- Kübra Seyhan-Bıyık
- Umut Ece Arslan
- Cemil Özal
- Özge Çankaya
- Ayşe Numanoğlu-Akbaş
- Sefa Üneş
- Merve Tunçdemir
- Mintaze Kerem-Günel
- Lütfiye Hilal Özcebe