IJ Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences
IJPBS is the Official Journal of Mazandaran University of Medical Sciences
1. “Blood letting”—Self-phlebotomy in injecting anabolic-androgenic steroids within performance and image enhancing drug (PIED) culture
- Rebekah Brennan
- John Wells
- Marie Claire Van Hout
2. Acquired Constriction Band Syndrome Affecting Multiple Digits – A Case Report
- Munur Selcuk KENDIR
- Mehmet DADACI
- Ilker UYAR
- Mehmet Emin Cem YILDIRIM
3. Role of Sexuality in Body Integrity Identity Disorder (BIID): A Cross-Sectional Internet-Based Survey Study
- Rianne M. Blom
- Sija J. van der Wal
- Nienke C. Vulink
- Damiaan Denys
4. Self-Amputation in Patient with Body Integrity Dysphoria in Comorbidity with Gender Dysphoria: A Case Report
- Barbora Vašečková
- Michal Patarák
- Veronika Petrušová
- Ľubica Forgáčová
5. Self-Inflicted Hand Amputation without Replantation in a Patient with Body Integrity Identity Disorder
- Dipak B. Ramkumar
- Marcel G. Brown
- Chad Y. Lewis
- Celestine E. Warren
- Thomas A. Fortney
- Lance G. Warhold