Comparing the Level of Dissociative Experience in Prisoners with and without Opioid Dependence Disorder in Shiraz and its Relationship with Other


avatar Mohsen Kianpoor 1 , * , avatar Mohammad Jaffar Bahredar 2 , avatar Seyyed Javad Ommizade 2

Associated professor of psychiatry, Department of psychiatry, Zahedan University of Medical Sciences, Zahedan, Iran
Department of Psychiatry, Shiraz University of Medical Sciences, Shiraz, Iran

How To Cite? Kianpoor M, Bahredar M J, Ommizade S J. Comparing the Level of Dissociative Experience in Prisoners with and without Opioid Dependence Disorder in Shiraz and its Relationship with Other. Iran J Psychiatry Behav Sci. 2010;4(1): 18-22. 


Objective: Many psychodynamic oriented psychotherapists believe that people do not become addicted without a reason; they use drugs to avoid painful feelings, thoughts and memories. The present study examines the relationship between the level of dissociation, substance dependence disorder and other psychiatric disorder.
Methods:In a descriptive study on prisoners of Adel-Abad prison, Shiraz, Iran, a sample of 4 groups of 29 women, and 30 men with opioid dependence, and 27 women and 30 men without dependence filled out the DES II questionnaire and SCL-90-R. The groups were compared regarding mean of DES with t-test and chi-square and also correlation coefficient for the relationship of DES and other psychiatric disorders.
Results: Women with opioid dependence showed the highest score in DES II (mean=48.9) among the groups and men without substance use disorder had the least mean score in DES (24.27). The difference between addict and non-addict groups regarding DES was significant. There was no meaningful relationship between DES II score and 9 aspects of SCL-90-R.
Conclusion: The results are suggestive of a relationship between addiction and dissociation. It is supposed if substance use disorder can be explained as a “Chemically Induced Dissociation”, or both “Dissociation” and “Substance Induced Disorder” might have common explanations in psychopathology


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