Group Training of Stress Managementvs.GroupCognitive-Behavioral Therapy in Reducing Depression, Anxiety and Perceived StressamongHIV-Positive Men


avatar Akbar Hemmati Sabet 1 , avatar Javad Khalatbari 1 , avatar Maryam Abbas Ghorbani 1 , avatar Mohammad Haghighi 2 , avatar Mohammad Ahmadpanah 2 , *

Islamic Azad University, Tonekabun Branch, Tonekabun, Iran
Behavioral Disorders and Substances Abuse Research Center, Hamadan University of Medical Science, Hamadan, Iran

How To Cite? Hemmati Sabet A, Khalatbari J, Abbas Ghorbani M, Haghighi M, Ahmadpanah M. Group Training of Stress Managementvs.GroupCognitive-Behavioral Therapy in Reducing Depression, Anxiety and Perceived StressamongHIV-Positive Men. Iran J Psychiatry Behav Sci. 2013;7(1): 4-8. 


Objective: To compare the effectiveness of group training of stress management with cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) in reducing depression, anxiety and stress perceived among HIV-positive men.
Methods:Inthis semi-experimental study, three groups of HIV-positive men (CBT group, stress management group, and control group) including 15 patients in each group were compared regarding depression, anxiety, and stress using pre-test and post-test tools.
Results: Both interventions (CBT and stress management) were effective in reducing depression, anxiety and perceived stress. Evaluating adjustedmean showed the more effectivenessofthe group stressmanagementtraining than CBT.
Conclusion: Group stress management training is more effective than group CBT in HIV-positive mentodecreasedepression, anxiety and stress management.
Declaration of interest: None.
Clinical Trial Registration: URL: Unique identifier: 2012121711782N1
Citation: HemmatiSabet A, Khalatbari J, Abbas Ghorbani M, Haghighi M, Ahmadpanah M. Group training of stress management vs. group cognitive-behavioral therapy in reducing depression, anxiety and perceived stress among HIV-positive men. Iran J Psychiatry Behave Sci 2013; 7(1): 4-8


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